Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A Putting Tip To Develop An Effective Preshot Routine

This Is something I found at http://www.free-golf-swing-tips.com/ which i found really helpful.

Putting Tip - Mental Keys to a Positive Putting Routine The use of preshot routines in sports is not new. Basketball players use a preshot routine at the foul line. Baseball players use a routine in the batter's box and on the mound. And bowlers use a preshot routine before executing each shot.

I use preshot routines in golf as a tool to help players eliminate doubt, focus on execution, and trust their stroke. Many players I’ve worked with think that they have a routine, but most of the time they just go through the physical motions of the routine. An essential putting tip is to make the most important part of preshot routine - the mental routine — or programming your mind and body for a successful putt. I teach players this putting tip with these 10 keys to a successful routine.

Putting Tip 1. Get Your Best Read

Frankly, if you can’t read greens--you can’t make putts. Experience plays a big roll here. A practice round is the best time to get to know the greens. Also, observing other players' putts and chips can help you see the break better. A good putting tip is to go with your first instinct. And don’t forget to get low to the ground—you can see the undulations in the green better.

Putting Tip 2. Make a Specific Plan by Picking a Line and a Target.

After reading the green, use your imagination to see a line. As you squat behind your ball, see the ball rolling towards the cup. Did it drop? If yes, you have a good line, . . if not, you need to adjust. Also, I prefer you pick a spot equidistant to the hole to aim your putter to. You don’t want to just hit it “somewhere out there”. This makes every putt a straight putt in your mind. Greg Norman gives this putting tip, “never hit a putt until you have a good vision of the path in which it will roll.”

Putting Tip 3. See and Feel the Ball into the Hole.

Good putting is about vision and feel. After you select a line, now is the time to imprint a powerful image of the ball rolling on its line into the hole. Be sure to see the pace needed to keep the ball on that line. Some players are more kinesthetic and prefer to feel the ball into the hole. Bob Murphy is an example of a feel putter. He said: "I don't worry about position, I just walk in behind a putt, wiggle around until I get comfortable and then I hit it". The type of image is not what’s important. What’s important is that you use an image that’s right for you.

Putting Tip 4. Stay Line and Target Focused.

Your eyes want to play tricks with your mind on the green. As you move from behind the ball and walk into address the putt, perception changes and so does your recognition of the line. It’s critical that you don’t take your mind and eyes off your target. An excellent putting tip is to stay fixated on your line and spot as you walk into the ball. This way you won’t lose target focus and trick yourself into changing your read.

Putting Tip 5. Use Self-Talk to Your Advantage.

No one can make you feel confident, but yourself, and now is the time. Great putters use self-talk to help them stay focused on execution and to be confident. Use self-talk to your advantage! Tell yourself: “ I deserve to make this putt”, or “I’m due to make one”, as you go through your routine.

Putting Tip 6. Use Practice Strokes to Ingrain the Feel.

This is not the time to practice mechanics, but you want to feel the distance of the putt with your practice strokes. This locks in the feel of the correct distance. I want players to match the putt they see in their mind’s eye to the practice stroke. Don’t watch the putter head, instead focus on tempo and distance.

Putting Tip 7. Aim Your Putter with Your Eyes over the Line.

Golf is a target game, and aiming is the key to hitting your target. Poor aim leads to compensations in the stroke. I want you to aim the putter first with your eyes over the ball and target line (you can sight the line better with this approach). After you aim your putter, then align your body around the putter head. Also, don’t try to be too precise or perfect when aiming so that you can’t pull the trigger when it’s time to stroke the ball.

Putting Tip 8. Use Your Mind’s Eye to See the Target.

Now that you are aimed and aligned well, what should be the last thought? Should it be the ball, the line, speed, feel, or a spot on your line? Golf is one of the only sports that we don’t look at the target when we perform. We look at the ball. Your last thought (or image) should be to “see” the target in your mind’s eye.
Have a picture, an image, or a feeling of the target and just respond to that.

Putting Tip 9. Fire Away Using a Natural Stroke.

Most players' routines flow well until the moment of truth when it’s time to pull the trigger. Doubt, hesitation, and indecision can ruin a great putting routine and cause you to control the stroke. Trying to stroke the ball on line only increases tension and ruins your natural stroke. LPGA player Vickie Goetz said, “I get over a putt and let my natural talent take over. I don't stand over it very long, I look at my target, I look at the ball and hit it." This is a great example of putting with freedom.

Putting Tip 10. Accept the Results.

Accepting the result is the final step in a solid routine. Your post shot or post putt reaction is very important. You need to release the past and get into the present moment before your next shot. Dwelling on missing won’t help you make putts. If you want to putt well, be objective and accept what happens. I want you for the next five rounds to walk off each green with a least one thing you did well. This will help you make your most confident stroke on the next hole.

Just For Laughs!

Two long-time golfing buddies got to the course one day and decided that this day they would play the ball where it lies... "No matter what!"

On the 14th hole, one of them sliced his drive and it ended up on the cart path. As he reached down to pick up his ball to get relief, his friend said, "Wait a minute! We agreed that we would not improve our lies! Remember? No matter what!"

The first player tried to explain that he was entitled to this relief, that it was in the rules of golf. But the second fellow would not allow it.

Throwing up his hands in disgust, the man went to the cart and grabbed a club. As he stood near his ball, he took a few practice swings, each time scraping the club on the pavement and sending out showers of sparks.

Finally, he took his shot. The club hit the path again, sparks went flying, but his ball shot straight towards the green, landed and rolled to a stop - two inches from the cup.
"Great shot!" his friend exclaimed. "What club did you use?" The man gave him a wry smile, "Your 7 iron!"

by Ray Eldred

A man decided to take up golf and went to the local course and asked the pro to show him how to play. The pro told the man to put the ball on the tee and hit it as near to that flag as you can.
The man put the ball on the tee and gave it a whack. It landed about 2 inches from the hole.

As they walked up to the green the Pro said "Now all you have to do is tap the ball into the hole.
The man said " Why didn't you say that when we were on the tee".

by Alan Ludlow

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Nike Sasquatch 460cc - Driving Machine!

This Driver is unbelievable! It absolutely blows its competitors right out of the water. The sight of it takes some getting used to for some people. But the proof is in the hitting. I have heard some people say that "it hits to straight", what a pleasure.
Selling for around $200 at some stores at the moment i think its a steal. The bottom line is, for beginning, intermediate, and advance intermediate golfers. The SASQUATCH will give you confidence, consistency, and the result that you will want. Unless you can't hit the ball. (Ps: Clubs won't make you a better golfer, you have to learn the golf swing before buying expensive equipment) .

Some golfers are even leaving their R7 at home because they say the Sasquatch is just so much more consistent. If you haven't taken the Sasquatch for a test drive yet then you won't know what you missing!

I just CANNOT hit the ball straight at the moment!

Try to Swing Easy. I always find myself trying to hit the cover off the ball. Nothing can be better for your game than learning how to swing the club easier and make your swing more fluid. If you go to the range and concentrate ONLY on swinging easy, it will revolutionize your ability to position yourself for a good approach shot when you get onto the course.

You will make more consistent impact with the ball, and it will reduce the amount of side-spin you naturally place on the ball because the club head won't be traveling as fast or with as much force. Switch to a low spin ball. Lower spin off of the tee means that the ball is going to fly straighter. The Titleist DT SoLo, Precept Laddie, or the Maxfli Noodle are great low spin balls. These balls will play a large role in reducing the side spin that you place on the ball.

I realize that this all sounds over-simplified, but it's not. If you are having problems controlling your driver, switch to a low-spin ball, and start swinging easy. When you are on the range, ALL you should be thinking about is swinging the club easy. AND REMEMBER: If you having a bad round- Slow your game down!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Be careful who you play golf with!

Two Scots

Two Scots, Rabby and Angus are playing golf and come upon a water hole.Rabby tees up and hits it into the middle of the pond.He reaches into his bag to find that he is out of balls. He then asks Angus for a ball and proceeds to hit it into the pond as well. This goes on for 3 or 4 more times and when he asks Angus for yet another ball, Angus says."Rabby, theseball cost me a pretty penny,"Rabby replies "Och!, Angus if you cannee afford to play the game, ya shouldnee be out here"

"I'm hitting the woods just great, but I'm having trouble getting out of them" Anonymous